Terms and Conditions
All images on this website are the copyright ©CTF Photography unless otherwise stated.
All Rights reserved. All Moral Rights reserved.
Purchasing Photographs
Sports Photographer CTF Photography own the copyright to all photographs on www.ctfphotography.co.uk / https://ctfphotography.smugmug.com/ When you purchase a picture in any form from CTF Photography you are indeed purchasing the picture. You are not purchasing the copyright. Photographs and files purchased are for private use only. You do not have permission to copy or change the photograph. You do not have permission to resell or use in any commercial way. You do not have permission to supply any media (ie: press) with any picture purchased from CTF Photography.
No images on this web or other sites may be copied, reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of CTF Photograhy. This includes social media websites such as Facebook. No images may be changed, resized or used in any way without the written consent of CTF Photography. No image may be used for commercial purposes without the written consent of CTF Photography. Copying my images may result in an invoice being raised and follow up with a small claims court action (easy accessible online).
Returns Policy
If for any reason you are not happy with photographs I have supplied, I will refund all monies but only after I receive the picture from you. I strongly suggest returning any picture as a recorded item. I can not refund pictures lost in the post. If the picture is damaged, I will replace and not refund.. files I am unable to refund the sale. All pictures supplied as files are bigger and better copies of the pictures you see on the website. If any issues on digital images, please get in touch.
If for any reasons you require a photograph removing from this website then please get in touch ctfphotography@hotmail.com as soon as possible. Send me your email address so I can confirm who you say you are. A reason for having the picture removed and the picture details such as collection date and filename. I will remove any photo on request as soon as possible (within 24 hours) but only after I have verified who the request is from. I will not delete whole galleries from my website.
Privacy Policy
No information is taken or stored by www.ctfphotography.co.uk. CTF Photography has no customer information stored either on site or on business computers. CTF Photography has no information to share with any other company.